Why July is Perfect for Reading!

Wooohooo! Looking for something to do in the hot summer months…? (Or maybe it’s cold for you – it all depends on where you live! Did you know that South Africa and Australia can be really cold in July and August? Brr..!)

Reading is a great way to spend the days you’re not at school. And, here are three reasons why we think you should nose-dive straight into the pool…erhm…we mean, a book!

Sweet Escape: You might not be traveling, but a good book can take you on the adventure of a lifetime!

Productive + Positive: We love reading because it’s productive, yet relaxing…how nice is it to lie down in a comfy spot with your favorite stories at your fingertips! We know we love it!

Find inspiration: Sometimes a break from school can feel boooo-ring! Reading helps! Pick up a book you love and let all the wonderful stories inspire you!

Onwards and upwards, summer readers! Don’t forget to join us on Instagram and tell us what you love about your favorite holiday books and authors!

Order you copy of our book here.
